Field recordings
If Spurn could talk,
what would it say?

This page contains nine 5-minute field recordings made by Mark Slater on the Spurn peninsula on March 20th, 2024.
The recordings were made during a ‘Transect Walk’ that was inspired by the numbered telegraph poles that once punctuated the peninsula. These poles were referred to by members of the local population in recorded oral history interviews as having particular characteristics (e.g. there’s some good fishing to be had at number 44)—and as a way of navigating the landscape. Mark Slater’s ‘Transect Walk’ was a way to try to understand what Spurn sounds like – from Warren Cottage at the start of the peninsula, to the rounded point jutting into the Humber.
Sound was recorded for 5 minutes, followed by a 10-minute walk. These durations, spanning the distance of Spurn, gave nine locations—and 45 minutes of audio.